In celebration of exceeding the milestone of 200
Listed Securities, we published this celebratory book
showcasing the diverse range of dynamic companies
listed on the Saudi Exchange and how their individual
achievements are contributing to the success of the
wider Saudi Arabian capital market.
200 Listed Securities gives detailed insights into the
companies listed on Saudi Exchange and offers the
companies the opportunity to share their insights
on how they are leading change in their sectors and
contributing to the transformation of the Saudi Arabian
Together the companies illustrate a rapidly changing
Kingdom that is emerging as a global economic and
investment hub providing unique opportunities for
investors. It has been our honor to offer this platform
to our listed companies to share their perspectives.
We hope you enjoy reading about their achievements,
their insights and their vision for the future.
As the world’s leading oil producer and exporter, Saudi Arabia recognizes the importance of diversifying its energy mix to sustain long-term prosperity. Local and international partners in the energy sector play a unique role in the Kingdom’s transformation toward a renewable and sustainable future. Energy companies play a powerful role in the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, with a new focus on integrating and adopting Saudi’s energy mix strategy. Companies operating in the energy sector listed on Tadawul had a combined Market cap of over SAR 541 billion at the end of 2019.
Company profilesMATERIALS
The materials sector has created thousands of jobs for the local community and it continues to do so. Materials sector companies optimize Saudi Arabia’s natural resources and raw materials. The sector is estimated to contribute SAR97 billion to the Saudi Arabian economy in 2020 and has created 90,000 new job opportunities. There have been plenty of structural reforms to further enhance the country’s resources. National companies continue to form international partnerships enabling them to operate under international best standards and increase local knowledge and productivity.
Company profilesIndustrials
The industrials sector remains a key pillar of Saudi’s economy representing 49.5 percent of the Kingdom’s GDP and employing 24.4 percent of its workforce. The entities that explore Saudi Arabia’s natural mineral resources play an instrumental role in the largest program of Saudi’s Vision 2030, in which $2.6 billion was allocated to support the industrials sector. Innovation through research acts as an anchor for the sector’s progress and development to identify new industries and diversify the economy, specifically to be a leader among regional and international peers. Corporations within the sector represent 9 percent of the market.
Company profilesConsumer
As the consumer goods sector continues to undergo rapid evolution alongside Saudi Arabia’s transformation journey, companies are expanding to reach a new set of consumers, especially in the retail space. In order to create a vibrant society and thriving economy, companies in the sector are working on venues and projects that encompass tourism, leisure, entertainment, and cultural and educational activities – based on international best standards – to suit all individuals. The sector will continue to be an indispensable element of the Saudi economy as it adds value through job creation and offering a wide variety of options to consumers. The retail industry in the Kingdom is expected to grow by $13 billion by 2023 and the companies represent 12 percent of the total market share.
Company profilesCONSUMER
The consumer staples sector reinforces the Kingdom’s vision of promoting its natural resources by providing innovative solutions for agricultural development and food production. The sector is comprised of technologically advanced companies that serve the public’s interest by continuously working towards the goal of providing water and food security for the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia’s unique geographical location bridges Asia, Europe, and Africa, allowing companies within the sector to better utilize trade through continuous strategic collaborations with food manufacturers and distributors.
Company profilesHEALTHCARE
Healthcare companies are vital to the success of the Kingdom, helping enhance the standard and quality of healthcare services for individuals across Saudi Arabia. As the Kingdom’s population and life expectancy continue to grow, the wellbeing of Saudi citizens and residents is a key priority for the country, which is supported by innovations from healthcare corporations. Through collaboration and operational efficiencies, healthcare companies can provide advanced treatment technology to maintain the high quality of preventive and therapeutic healthcare services.
Company profilesFINANCIALS
The financial services sector is a key foundation of Tadawul and the broader Kingdom with 12 banks represented on the exchange and the sector represent 23.4 percent. The businesses within the financial services sector play a leading role in the Kingdom’s digital revolution and Saudization program through the implementation of advanced financial technology and the creation of new jobs for the local workforce. Financial institutions are also increasing Saudi Arabia’s exposure among international audiences, while at the same time supporting the Kingdom’s vision of developing a diversified financial sector.
Digitization and innovation are at the heart of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which will accelerate the ICT sector’s growth by 50 percent and raise its GDP contribution by SAR50 billion. Corporations in the ICT sector have adopted and innovated various digital capabilities, such as modern technologies and advanced security, that have increased Saudi Arabia’s positioning among leading international peers. The ICT sector empowers the Kingdom by creating countless jobs and providing adequate training to the local workforce with technical skills that are necessary to possess as technology continues to advance. These corporations are leading the research and development process to drive digital integration and innovation across both private and public sectors.
Company profilesUTILITIES
The utilities sector in Saudi Arabia continues to transform in order to diversify the Kingdom’s energy mix. Saudi Arabia leads the world in the volume production of desalinated water and it is the largest desalination market in the world. Companies in the Saudi utilities sector continually deliver on their commitment to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, ensuring that all residents are offered efficient and high-quality energy and water services. In addition, the sector strives to develop greater diversification in the energy portfolio, including furthering renewable ambitions through increasing solar and wind capacity, and with the introduction of nuclear power.
Company profilesREAL ESTATE
Saudi Arabia seeks to improve the quality of life for citizens and residents by creating multi-use areas within cities for educational institutions, retail and entertainment centers accommodating tourist and industrial projects, in addition to allowing none Saudi citizens to own real estate property. Real Estate developers consistently comply with the Kingdom’s vision by easing ownership regulations for residents and citizens to create an attractive living and working environment. The Real Estate sector is a pillar of Saudi Arabia’s economy and sector Market capitalization is over SAR 83 billion.
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